Thursday, January 9, 2014

Basic Ingredients without cooking from scratch!

I'll admit it.  Baking from scratch?  I'm in!  Cooking from scratch?  No bueno! Especially when I have so much to juggle with work and school and two young children!

How do I do it?  My secret is Trader Joe's, which happens to be my new favorite shopping establishment!

Not only do I love that they offer a meal idea in the store every day that is so easy to prepare, but "all Trader Joe’s brand products share the following attributes: they contain NO synthetic colors, NO artificial flavors, NO artificial preservatives, NO MSG, NO added Trans Fats, and NO genetically modified ingredients" (Trader Joes, 2014).

That's one way of going back to basics in OC without spending a fortune OR cooking from scratch!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a huge fan of Trader Joe's too. What I can't purchase at the farmers market, I buy at TJ's. I do watch all ingredients to see how much oil there is since I am also limiting my oil intake.
